Invest in communities not candles

Listed on

Swap via Jupiter


Our Story

Respect the people, not the pump.

Started as a slow rug; blossomed into a vibrant community.

100% SAFU

Part of the motivation to keep this project going is to provide a safe place for people to come learn about crypto.

We got big plans, and we’re here to stay. This is about community and making a statement, for many of us, this is personal.

Power to the people, not the pump!


Degen’s Gamble Draw
Multiple Telegram Bots
Partnerships with other Projects
Crypto education

In order to prove we’re here to stay, we’ll need revenue. The bots we’re creating are going to be niche specific for the meme coin space with a focus on freemium to paid plans.

We want to help educate, so content creation on a range of topics from staying safe in the crypto space to trading will be sponsored.

The Alliance

We want to call out scammers and create an alliance. More on that topic will be revealed in due time.

We hope to shift the sentiment on Solana, people are tired of the scams and influencers talking out both sides of their mouths.

Lets Work Together

We are creating an alliance of similar projects where we will host spaces, cross-raid, and support each other.